* Ma famille - French Family Project
This is a very fun project for students where they create a family album of their 4 favorite family members and make a family tree. Students will write a general presentation of their family on the cover page and describe fully 4 family members inside the photo album booklet. It's a ready for use project. Teachers can just print the project requirement page, rubrics and the photo album templates or use powerpoint as a choice. Students can draw their family or use real photos. Students can present their family tree to the class.
Criterias for the project:
* avoir + age
* être and descriptive adjectives (with agreement)
* verb aller and faire
* family vocabulary
* possessive adjectives
* verbs of preference in sentences (aimer, préférer, adorer, détester)
* sentence structure in the affirmative and negative
* French clothing unit catalog project - Catalogue de vêtements Online Store
This is a very fun project for students where they are the fashion designer getting ready to put out a catalog with their latest clothing line. Their job is to create a catalog for their online store with a detailed description of each item.
It's a ready for use project. Teachers can just print the project requirement page, rubrics and the templates for their online store. The final product is a booklet catalog
Students can draw their own illustrations, use cut-outs from magazine or use the included clip-arts.
* French Daily Routine - La Routine Quotidienne
This is a ready for use project. Teachers can just print the project requirement page, rubrics and the 21 slides templates where students can draw their daily routines and write the corresponding French sentences. This project can be used in a multiple ways/options, students can just follow the scope and use their imagination to create the project. Students examples and videos are included for demonstration. Students will first introduce, describe themselves then talk about their daily routines (morning, daytime, after school, night and week-end). Students will have to use reflexive verbs and also incorporate transition words. Teachers can use this project for either present or passé compose tense.
Video of student's example 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lpsc-52a7s&t=5s
Video of student's example 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atyxnPGBgRA&t=16s
* Faire les courses - French Grocery Shopping French Food La Nourriture PROJET
Faire les courses - French Grocery Shopping French Food La Nourriture PROJET
Students will practice their vocabulary on Grocery shopping by creating this fun project where students are in Paris for vacation and they are to visit all the different specialty stores! Their job is to write about the different products they find in each specialty store using the correct some, quantifiers etc...
It's a ready for use project. Teachers can just print the project requirement page, rubrics and the templates.
Practice on vocabulary:
* La boulangerie/patisserie
* La boucherie/charcuterie
* La poissonnerie
* Le marchand de fruits et legumes
* La crèmerie
* L’épicerie
Practice on structure:
* transition word (D’abord, ensuite, après, plus tard, finalement …) + verb Aller.
* verb Vendre and the correct SOME: du, de la, de l’, des).
* verb Acheter and the quantifiers: beaucoup de/un peu de/trop de, assez de …
* verb Acheter and the appropriate quantities depending on the product you are buying:
une tranche de,
Un kilo de,
Un morceau de,
Un gramme de,
Un litre de,
une livre de,
Une brique de,
Un paquet de,
Une bouteille de,
Une pièce,
Une boîte de,
Une barquette de,
Un pot de,
Une douzaine de
* French Halloween Project - French Likes Dislikes Les loisirs (French Leisure) - Les Hobbies - Les Passes Temps.
Halloween usually falls around when I am teaching the French hobbies and what students likes and dislikes.
If you are looking for something fun and productive during Halloween, this will be a perfect mini project for the class. Students will be creating a foldable by pretending to detail what their favorite Halloween characters likes or dislikes. Students will draw 8 characters with the activities and will need to write 16 sentences.
In this project, students will:
* learn the French Halloween vocabulary
* practice the activities/hobbies in French
* practice "Aimer" and negative form of "Aimer" (n'aime pas)
For advanced levels, students can expand by explaining why the characters like certain activities (incorporating "parce que …")
The final project is actually quite fun to read, especially for level 2 students when they come up with the reasons.