French clothing unit catalog project
French clothing unit catalog project - Catalogue de vêtements Online Store
Here are the project resources on the HoustonFrenchTeacher TPT store:
This is a very fun project for students where they are the fashion designer getting ready to put out a catalog with their latest clothing line. Their job is to create a catalog for their online store with a detailed description of each item.
It's a ready for use project. Teachers can just print the project requirement page, rubrics and the templates for their online store. The final product is a booklet catalog
Students can draw their own illustrations, use cut-outs from magazine or use the included clip-arts.
Included in this set:
- Cover page (.pdf format) – 1 page
* one cover page with the predefined template
* one blank cover page where students can customized their own.
- project rubric (.pdf format) – 2page
- Slides template for online store – 6 pages (10 clothing articles)
- 36 clothing clip-arts (.pdf format) - 4 pages
- Teacher’s instructions (.pdf format) – 5 page
- Example pages (.pdf format) – 3 page
Total Pages: 36 pages
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